Arte Santander ’14 Project – Techniques
Archaeology of a Landscape
- Vertical = grandiosity
- Landscape = extensive panoramic vision and multi-temporal
- Black-white = present – past, day – night, reality – dream, real – imaginary.
- Simple = Essence
- Multiple = Values (real, chromatic, emotive, temporary)
- Chaotic = Dreamlike
- Thick = Affirmation
- Thin = Suggestive
- Continuous = Present
- Dashed = Past
Colour – Patches of colour:
- Vibrant = Reality
- Blended = Memory
- Bright = Sentiments, profound sensations
- Absence of colour = Perception of the sediments left by passage of time in the landscape.
- Neat patch = The I, the present, the reality
- Diffused patch = Fading memory, times past
- Half tints = Distance – depth in time, in space, in memory, in the sentiments.
Next page: Spatial Distribution
Previous page: Introduction